How to keep your mind focus on losing weight: Your mind is the key to loosing weight

Have you ever made up your mind that now is the last time to eat whatever you want  and tomorrow is strict diet and when you wake up you just cannot resist the temptation and you fall back to your old eating habits.Well I would like to tell you that our mind is the key to loosing weight.Yes, exercise and dieting are equally important but it is the choice your mind make, whether to be committed or not. Keeping and maintaining positive thinking when is deals with losing body fat and reducing your weight is is difficult .Sometimes the workouts just get to hard we skip a day or do not complete the set.Again its the mind we tell ourselves no e cant do it so the mind tell our bodies that its time maybe we need to take a while to rest and we are back . 

  1. Motivation ; motivation is the spiritual enegy that powers the mind , motivaion is one of the key elemets you need when you want to stay focus and contiue your loose wight programe.what you can do is put up you goal in a form of picure ,foe eg; if you want to loose belly fat and gain muscle put up a picture of a flat stomach or the ideal tummy you dream to have on you phone wall paper,screen save on you PC or just ect..this will provide and remind you to keep yur mind focus.

  1. Setting goal; setting goals and achieving is much practical when is comes to weight loss and can plan to loos this amount of kilograms in a month time and write it in a poster and strict it  in your bedroom every morning when you wake up its there and it reminds you that each day your nearly to attain your goal. 

  1. Practice gratitude: look they always say the attitude of gratitude,being thankful for what you have is gratitude.When you see a perfectly shaped women or men with all the abs do not think of yourself as low .they to have their issues but take it in as a gratitude that yes they have worked for it and achieved it i can also do the same .Turning every thing into a positive think and view is the best way to keep focus.

Thank you again these are the three main things to keep you focus and be on your diet and exercise plan in order to loose weight.
