How to stay awake in class 

Mondays is usally not the best day of the week , all the fun in the weekends ends and when you in class wether it be un highschool or colledge is the sleeping day .Yes it hard and difficult when your body is battling in the classroom.your eyes close hen quickly you shrug it of and try to keep and open eye .yes alot of student and working class have an idear of it.well i have just a simple remedy to give you when you in class and the sleepyness creeps in and puts wight on your eyelids.

.1.Have a Full Body Warm Bath in the Morning
  Now I know that even waking up on Mondays is a big battle between your mind and body , the mind reminds you that its monday and you have school or that late assigment that is dued or you have first class in the morning.But still your body says just  little fifteen minute sleep and you just batlle and lay in bed turning from one side to the other trying to hide your face from the sunlight creeping through your window. Despite that you wake up wether on time, late or very late .The main thing is that it is imporant you have a full body warm bath so that the bodys blood vessels may become dilated and allow blood flowing to all the parts of your body to keep you awake .
2.Eat Moderate Breakfast
  You might not want to overload your digestive system so be mindful of the amount you eat in the morning. Eating moderate and a well balanced breakfast keeps you full and provide energy to your body. If you over eat your stomach dose alot of  digestion and you become weak and tend to feel sleepy in class.
3.Carry a Water Bottle With you Everywhere.
Now we all know the importance of water already but it helps carry oxygen to you body cells and removing all toxic waste in your body .therefore drinking water regularly helps the kidney filters your bloodstream removing toxic waste and keeping you alert.
4.Sunshine and Fresh Air
When you in class and the sleepiness creeps in ,just get up and go politely excuse yourself and go stand in the sun .Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, breath in fresh air and walk a little .The teacher might think you went to use the rest room but you are out beign fresh. These helps to allow fresh air into your lungs and sun on your skin .The fresh are gets to be added and flows with the circulation ,this may enable you to be alert and awake when you go back into the classroom or office.
  Thanks these are the simple tips to help you keep you eyes open in class and work..
